... and then... morning 4-26

There are times when life seems to be going well, everything is firing on all cylinders, and then, just as I get complacent, I trip... fall... and it seems like I have to start all over again.

It seems like little things trip me up, and then I throw in the towel and try to burn everything to the ground until I can start over again.

It can be any number of small things. I know I can manage... but I don't.

So, that means it's time to start blogging, and holding myself accountable.

There are a few major areas where I need to work on:

  1. Spirituality
  2. Relationships
  3. Work
  4. Weight management (diet and exercise)
  5. Personal growth
By spirituality, I mean my relationship with God. This means my getting back to prayer, memorizing scripture. It balances me and will help me in all other areas in my life.

Relationship wise, I enjoy keeping my own company. The pandemic has been really good for me - in that I haven't had to interact with the outside world. I find that I need that balance.

Work is good. I am good at what I do... I could be better. There is a lot to learn in my discipline. I need to continue with becoming the best in my field... I may even consider publishing!

Weight management is the tough one. I have a sedentary job. So I need to be very deliberate in adding exercise into my day, as well as controlling my diet. I hate logging my diet and exercise, but I'm going to need to start. My overall goal is to equate the number of calories that I intake with the number of calories that I burn on a daily basis... hopefully that will get me to a good space!

I will be logging my diet & exercise on myfitnesspal.com

Personal growth is everything else. It focuses on my musical hobby, reading more, teaching more.

Hopefully, I can get into the habit of goal setting in the morning, and then a recap in the evening. If there are times when I'm struggling in the middle, the goal is to talk through it and hold myself accountable.

It's time to toss the dead things into the woodchipper and use what comes out to help the live parts grow!


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