Stumbling... but not falling

 I was about to cross the finish line today when they did the unthinkable at work... they ordered PIZZA!

There were 4 of us in the store, and they ordered 3 pizzas... thin crust...

I took 2 small pieces... which is good, because, as an addict, it's hard for me to stop.

To top it off, I had a handful of Doritos.

This is a good thing... I call is stumbling but not falling because a week ago, I would have had 1/2 a pizza and a half bag of Doritos.

2 nights ago, I would have had 3 times as many Doritos... so I think this is progress...

Every day, bigger, better, stronger.

(Honestly, I should have blogged before I got the chips, I probably would not have had them...)

Strategies... tomorrow, I will do better.


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